⭐ is a collection of machine-readable, authentic texts, chosen to characterize or represent a state or variety of a language.
Corpus Linguistic
⭐ defined as…a collection of naturally-occurring texts in a computer- readable format which can be retrieved and analyzed using corpus analysis software.
👉 Word frequency lists These can be used to analyse the vocabulary contained in a text or corpus.
👉 Concordancing
👉 Collocation
Designing corpus
- There are no fixed rules; depending on research purposes.
Text extracts vs. full texts📌
- Depends on the aim of corpus compilation.
Specific sections may be helpful if we are looking for words or phrases under particular content areas or want to create purposeful sub-corpora.
Number of texts📌
- Choices can be made between ➰few texts of large size ➰number of texts with smaller sizes
- Depends on research focus.
- Can be spoken or written texts or mixed.
- Depends on research questions.
- Should mainly focus on the specialized text under investigation.
- Texts may come from different subjects if the research focus is on the study of particula language features rather than term extraction.
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